Reinventing email

Lex is reinventing the email experience
for the dyslexic community.

Email is a frustrating, exhausting activity that takes up too much time from our day.
Lex is an email client that is uniquely built with the needs of the dyslexic population in mind.
We aim to reduce the mental taxation of reading and writing emails, making it a smarter, simpler process.

How We Help

Read with clarity

Change email content attributes, such as font, font size, character spacing, and background color, to proven values that benefit people with dyslexia, or values that best fit your needs.

Take it one word at a time

Read long emails in a rapidly comprehensible way using Spritz. Display words one at a time and understand sentences more quickly. Hover over text to find word substitutes.

Highlight what matters

Isolate key email content using our smart-summary technology. Add additional core concepts to our abridged summary. Rereading long emails is a thing of the past.

Proofread smarter

Spellcheck does not help you in cases when words are misspelled with real homonyms. Our spellcheck and grammarcheck technology reduces the need for proofreading.

Reduce unnecessary writing

Avoid wasted written rework. When emails so frequently follow the same format, our prepared templates give you what you need.

Clear up content confusion

Email content is not always easy to digest. Bring order to convoluted, unruly text with smart text-to-number and bulleted-list tactics.